I try to keep these links current, but due to the ephemeral nature of many Internet web sites, some may have already expired. Maybe that's a good thing. Unfortunately, it seems that sources of bad information are like the heads of Hydra: for each one that is removed, two return to take its place.
The Hall of Records offers weighty aphorisms, recommended readings, and a handful of links. The Official Hall of Records Website features annoying background music to accompany their handiwork. Joseph Robert Jochmans has a lot to say in The Hall of Records. There are other Halls of Records as well, but enough is enough. If maps of secret Sphinx tunnels tickle your fancy, see CrystaLinks' Sphinx site. You'll likely encounter a Hall of Records there somewhere.
Visit the website of Robert M. Schoch and read his opinion on the age of the Sphinx. David Billington gives both sides of the debate in Redating the Sphinx.
Bassam El Shammaa details his Second Sphinx Theory. Watch out for pop-up copyright notices.
Robert Ghost Wolf writes of the Sphinx in Colorado in The Mysterious Stone People of Arizona.
Could the sphinx of Mars be proof of an alien civilization as great as our own? The Mars-Egypt Connection has the answers. For some imaginative photos, see In Search of The Martian Sphinx. Mars may be red with embarrassment.
The Sphinx Group offers some Sphinx links and articles. See also The Modern Riddle of the Sphinx for similar fare. The Sphinx Temple features many articles, and some are even about the Sphinx.
Was the Great Pyramid a big water pump? The evidence flows at the Pharaoh's Pump Foundation and Williams' Hydraulic Theory to Cheops' Pyramid.
Was the Great Pyramid a power plant? Charge over to Christopher Dunn's dynamic Giza Power site.
Was the Great Pyramid a clock? Spend some time at Vladimir Pakhomov's Secret of Pyramids.
If you don't have enough math in your life, the pyramids can help. Appraise Terrance Nevin's The Pyramid Paper, Charles William Johnson's The Great Pyramid, and Stephen Goodfellow's The Vanishing Point. If you like pi, try The Great Pyramid and the Pi Factor. Then there is The LIX Unit. Have your calculator handy!
Pyramids aren't just for dead people. Pyramid of Life sells personal pyramids and also "Pyramid Protection Belts for protection of areas around houses." I'll bet pharaoh never had one of those! More pyramid energy products are available for purchase at Modern Vastu (Energy) Science.
The Shaft, The Subway & The Causeway features everything you want to know about ... the shaft, the subway, and the causeway at Giza.
Pyramidiots.org flies their theory that the ancient Egyptians used kites to build the pyramids.
The crux of Crichton Miller's thesis is that the Great Pyramid was built with the aid of a Celtic Cross.
Were the blocks of the Great Pyramid poured into place? The Egyptian Pyramid Mystery Is Solved and the Siloxo geopolymer technology website cement their theories. The Geopolymer Institute Home Page has more information. Ancient stone technology applies this theory far beyond Egypt. Unfortunately, the evidence is far from concrete.
The Great Pyramid: Bible prophecy in stone? The American Institute of Pyramidology makes its case as does The Revelation of Adam in Stone. In the Great Pyramid Upper Passage, Ruben benAbraham deals with the top part only. How about a mix of the Bible, the pyramids, and Mars. Oh, my!
Read what the clairvoyant saw behind the Great Pyramid "air-shaft" door. Illustrations are included.
Spanish psychic Gerry Cannon puts the Ark of the Covenant in the Great Pyramid on Gerry's Psychic Quest Page. For more on the Ark, or Arc, see the Great Pyramid and the Arc of the Covenant. Maybe they've corrected the spelling by now.
Pyramids aplenty! Read about the pyramids of Japan, the Canary Islands, Wisconsin's Rock Lake, and Arizona.
Aliens built the pyramids! Somehow, we always knew it. The Dream Land Report piles on the evidence. Psychic Magazine's New Theories on the Pyramids makes some startling observations.
The Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association has enough goodies to keep one busy for hours. Mark James Foster's Rosetau site presents a lot of stuff by various authors.
The Church of the Eternal Source pretends to be a modern recreation of ancient Egyptian religion. See also the Tehuti Research Foundation and The Flower of Life. The House of Isis and Osiris is a "contemporary Mystery School" that tries to be Egyptian. The House of Netjer strives for "Kemetic Orthodoxy" -- good luck!
The website of Ahmed Osman details some of his rather unorthodox theories of ancient Egyptian pharaohs as characters in the Bible.
Did the Founding Fathers worship Egyptian gods? Of course they did! Deeper Truth has the scoop.
For more disinformation on the Saqqara Bird, see Basic Aeronautics: Concepts in Aeronautics and Heavy Lifting Cargo Airplane. It's all just plain foul.
If you think that "Stargate" was only a movie, think again and visit The Egyptian Connection on the "Stargate: The Real One" website. It may make you reel.
Read about the Egyptian Relics in Australia. If that's not enough, read the 5 April 1909 Phoenix Gazette article about Egyptian Artifacts in the Grand Canyon and plumb the depths of Ancient Egyptian Treasures In The Grand Canyon.
Did you know that a major conspiracy is "erasing the memory of a black Egypt?" Professor Manu Ampim does. Read his The Vanishing Evidence of Classical African Civilizations. The Afrocentric Debate Resource Homepage features a lot of articles and links. On the opposite end of the spectrum, A History of the White Race tries to prove that the Egyptians were blue-eyed, blond-haired Aryans.
Irritating graphics and mystical articles greet the visitor to The Web Site Of A°T°O°N's Egyptian department. If you're wondering what ATON stands for, it's "Alternative Technology Orthogeometry and Neurocybernetics," but you should've guessed that.
You've read their books, now visit their websites! Authors (in addition to those mentioned above) with a web presence include Erich von Däniken, John Anthony West, Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, Adrian Gilbert, David Rohl, Alan Alford, Andrew Collins, Ian Lawton, Ralph Ellis, Robert Temple, Richard C. Hoagland, Larry Hunter, and Rand & Rose Flem-Ath. Some of these people are basically trying to sell their books, but most include information beyond titles and prices.
The University of North Texas has collected links to the best (or worst?) of the Non-Traditional Egyptology websites. More up-to-date fringe news is available at Greg Taylor's extensive site, The Daily Grail. And if you think you have time to waste digging through all this litter, think again.
Catchpenny Mysteries © copyright 2000 by Larry Orcutt.