Book of the Dead, Papyrus of Ani, Spell 78, part 1.
Book of the Dead, Papyrus of Ani, Spell 78, part 2.
Book of the Dead, Papyrus of Ani, Spell 78, part 3.
A boy and his kitty: a pet's revenge?
Fowling and fishing scene from the tomb of Simut (TT A24 dating to the reign of Amenhotep III).
The "Meidum Geese" from the chapel of Itet, Third Dynasty.
W.S. Smith's reconstruction of the "Meidum Geese" relief.
Inscription on the upper west Great Pyramid gable.
"Hnw-bark" from the Papyrus of Ani, plate 18.
Hoes of ancient Egypt (the "mer" hoes).
Symetrical hieroglyphic text.
A typical Min at Karnak.
The corpulent Queen of Punt, from the Temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahri.
Relief from the tomb of Sennefer (TT 96). Note the changes of direction in text.
Tutankhamen's Shrine II (plate 37, THE SHRINES OF TUT-ANKH-AMON by A. Piankoff).
Exterior left panel (left side; from plate 42, THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN BOOKS OF THE AFTERLIFE by E. Hornung).
Exterior left panel (right side).
Exterior right panel (left side; from plate 43, Hornung).
Exterior right panel (left side).
Amun Singer.
Hunting and fishing the Nile.
The early use of the cartouche around Sneferu's name.
Detail from sneferu.jpg.
The "Tulli Papyrus?"
Palms 1-4 (the left half) of the Turin cubit rod, taken from Clagett, Vol. 3, fig. IV.24 (Lepsius' Tafel I, lower portion).
Palms 4-7 (the right half) of the Turin cubit rod, taken from Clagett, Vol. 3, fig. IV.24 (Lepsius' Tafel I, lower portion).